Vandellos II nuclear power plant
Nuclear power in Spain

Vandellos II nuclear power plant

LocationVandellós (Tarragona)
Start of commercial operation8 March 1988
Installed power1,087.14 MW
Gross accumulated production from source (until 31 March 2024)278,456,039 MWh
Monthly production (March 2024)806,749 MWh
Accumulated production for the year2,328,238 MWh

The Vandellós II nuclear power plant is located on the Mediterranean coast in the province of Tarragona, specifically in the municipal area of Vandellós. National involvement in the construction of the plant and the supply of equipment amounted to more than 89% of the total, the highest percentage achieved in Spain for this type of projects.

The plant actively participates in all the local initiatives relating to education and development of employment, medical services, institutes, etc

During normal operation some 300 staff members from the plant's proprietor companies work at the facility, along with some 220 belonging to contractor companies. During the annual shutdowns the latter increase to around 800.

The Vandellós II Nuclear Power Plant is integrated into the social environment of the surrounding area, and actively participates in all the local initiatives relating to education and the development of employment, medical services, institutes, etc., through agreements with the town council and with the regional council.

Central nuclear de Vandellós II

Titularity and production

The owners of Vandellós II are Endesa (72%) and Iberdrola (28%).

In 2022, the production of gross energy production generated by the Vandellós II nuclear power plant was 8,221.96 GWh. The accumulated production of gross electric energy since the start of its commercial operation in March 1988 until December 31st 2022 is 267,204.35 GWh.

For more information, please visit their website.

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